Critical Making

Innovative idea and designer creative mind concept or brainstorm ideas with smart design thinking 3D illustration style.

Project outside of course scope

This is a 15 ECTS project course that runs in Block 3 & 4. You can also join Critical Making as a 7.5 ECTS project or as the foundation for your master thesis. If you are interested in that please email professor Pernille Bjørn, DIKU pernille dot bjorn at

We want to change the narrative of how Neurodiversity in Computer Science is pictured and we want to do this by combining art and technology, inspired by the GRACE project.

The project will be structured like a course with key milestones in a timeline that we will all work under. We will provide you with literature, teaching and knowledge as well as giving you feedback and input for the final product and report.

You will work in smaller groups of 2-3 people throughout the entire project, and in these groups you will also create a report in the end. This report will be a reflexive report which will be the baseline for the exam. The exam will be a portfolio exam type in groups – don’t worry, we will provide you with templates and guidance all the way through the project so you are 100 % ready when the exam dates arrive.

There is room for 10 students total and is available for both Master & Bachelor students.

During the project, you will work with the following people from DIKU: 

Pernille Bjørn

Jenny-Margrethe Vej

Ellie Thrane Christensen

Valeria Borsotti 

Morten Engell-Nørregård

Kellie Anne Dunn

Deputy Head of Department for Research & Professor 

Former student @DIKU, Computer Science Teacher & DEI/ADHD/Autism expert

Accessibility Expert & Teacher

PhD DEI researcher 

Lab Manager & Maker Space Expert

PhD, Design & Maker Space Expert

Other practicalities for this course

Info Session: Tuesday October 10

HCC Open House: October 25, Sigurdsgade

Application Deadline: November 1, end of day by email to Please see project description for further information <SAME LINK TO PROJECT DESCRIPTION>.

Application Results: November 3, end of day

Networking & Group Making: November 14, 15:00-17:00

For a more detailed schedule as well as course information, please see the project course description here.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Jenny Vej on